Strip Poker

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"Keep your eyes on your cards, alright?"

Weaver dug up some crappy old Win16 strip poker program! (and we hope one of us will find a replacement) Then some people from tgchan made some modules so you could see naked quest characters!

After you beat them in poker :V


Discussion thread: >>questdis/314859

WinStripPoker download:

DosBox download (you still need this if you have Windows 2000 or up):

OpenWatcom (for making 16-bit *.dll files, free but complex):

eXeScope (another tool for making 16-bit *.dll files, shareware but simple):

Characters available

Possible future additions

How To Play

This game is so old it's 16-bit MS-Windows, so any OS after 1994 is probably going to choke on it. You will probably need Dosbox and Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11. (Linux users can just use WINE, Macintosh uses can use (this space unfortunately left blank))

Once you got it started, click the title-page window to get the character select dialog box. Click 'Options' and set it to '(x) Show at normal size' because your screen is bigger than anything that was around back then. Set 'Start Money' to '1000', 'Max Bet' to '500' and 'Credit' to '1000'. The characters show a preview headshot, their name - age , and a greeting message.

The interface is the ancient "Windows Multiple-Document-Interface (MDI)" type window, and you can see pretty quickly why Microsoft doesn't use it anymore. You may need to drage the sub-windows around to find everything. 'T' cards mean 'ten'.

Every time either person runs out of money they'll sell a piece of clothing for the "Credit" amount to get back in the game. You can force a lose by raising more money than they have -- you don't have to play the hand, just out-bet them.

How To Make Characters

Copy one of the existing *.dll files to a new name. Using OpenWatcom or eXeScope, open up the new file and browse to the Resources collection in the file. You'll see two types of resources: strings and bitmaps.

The bitmaps are the portrait shot and the poker portraits. The portrait picture is bitmap #700, and should be 120x120 pixels. Bitmaps #701 and up are what you show the player after every time they sell clothes to get in the game. The game starts with 701, and the game is over when it reaches the last picture, so there must be at least two. Only two would kinda suck; 5-6 is better, though if you can think of a dozen interesting pictures/poses, go for it. Sixty-four pictures is a bit crazy. The 701-and-up bitmaps can be any size, though 300x400 seems to fit the original interface best.

The strings are a tiny description of the character and the character's text responses while playing. Here's a table for what we've figured out each string is supposed to be:

String resource #57
  • 900 - gender? (1= male, 2=female)
  • 901 - name
  • 902 - age
  • 903 - how many bitmaps in the game
    (ie. 9 means bitmaps '701-709')
  • 904 - shuffling cards
  • 905 - does not raise after shuffle
  • 906 - does not take cards
  • 907 - exchanges "%d" cards
  • 908 - does not raise the bet
  • 909 - bets "%u" amount
  • 910 - matches the raise and calls
  • 911 - raises the bet "%u" amount
String resource #58
  • 920 - lost the hand
  • 921 - lost the hand
  • 922 - lost the hand
  • 923 - lost the hand
  • 924 - lost the hand
  • 925 - won the hand
  • 926 - won the hand
  • 927 - won the hand
String resource #59
  • 928 - won the hand
  • 929 - won the hand
  • 930 - player folded
  • 931 - character folds
  • 932 - announces player's hand "%s"
  • 933 - announces character's hand "%s"
  • 934 - player lost all their money
  • 935 - player lost all their clothes
  • 936 - character losing their last piece of clothes
  • 937 - character lost all their clothes
  • 940 - character loses first clothes (bitmap 701 -> 702)
  • 941 - character loses second clothes (bitmap 702 -> 703)
  • 942 - etc etc
  • 943 - etc etc
String resource #60
  • 944 - character loses fifth clothes (bitmap 705 -> 706)
  • 945 - etc etc
String resource #63
  • 999 - character's greeting when choosing the opponent *.dll to play.