Item Quest

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Item Quest by Larro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.0

Dice thread


Chapter 1

/Quest/ is introduced to Gram Elric, a golem that is now trying to collect 207 Items that have been scattered across the land. It is said that the man who gains all 207 will gain the power of a god. He burned down a city to get Item 7, a Item that will let him find all other Items. Item 7 however is sentient and can speak to/take control of Gram.
After he gathers a few more items he met up with Su, a girl who's eyes are Item 207. Realizing she could see other items, and pressured by Item 7 to take her along since he burned down her home and killed her family, he takes her along.
They are attacked by other Item Hunters including The Collector, and Mr. Blue. After fighting off each of the hunters the two of them decide to go to Fai's Mountain to find the legendary alchemist L so he may fix Gram's body.
Mu is also introduced. She was another golem created by Gram's master and wants to kill Gram for revenge. On her journey she meets Teri, a dark elf with a serious illness. The two of them travel together looking for Gram and a cure.

Chapter 2

Starts off with our 'hero' climbing up Fai's mountain. He's completely oblivious to the fact that Su is freezing to death until Item 7 points it out to him. They take shelter and are soon found by L. L fixes up Gram's arm and sends them on their way. The group heads to Dart's old castle to see if there are any more Items there. Instead they find a clone of Cecil Von Central III that dart had made.
They decide to take the clone to the real Cecil to see what he'll do. As they go to his house they see that the only person left there is Tikka, Dart's reincarnation. She takes the clone inside and decides to 'examine' Gram. Gram flips out halfway and shows he has some emotional problems.
After striking Su and being knocked unconscious by Item 7 Gram is fully healed by Tikka. He remembers that he had actually killed his master in a jealous rage after he saw her getting close to another man. Item 7 helps him on his quest to redeem himself.
Along the way Su is killed by The Collector and is taken to the Temple to be healed and protected from The Collector. Meanwhile Tikka considers teaching Gram about women.
Once Su is patched up they meet up with a king angel named Maxine who's been complaining of a rise of Soul Stealers in the area. Gram decides to team up with Maxine and go investigate. They arrive in the Dark Elf City right next to Mu and Teri.

Chapter 3

Mu gets her ass kicked by Gram. While Mu is resting the rest of the group go to Central with Cecil to help solve the Soul Stealer problem. This leads Maxine to the Dark Wold where the Soul Stealers are. They see a few people who resemble the Soul Stealers. The people take Maxine to their leader, John, who reveals that he plans on opening the rift between the Soul Stealers world and the normal world to expand his small kingdom. He makes some threats, they talk, and then she leaves. The soul stealers prove very powerful.
Meanwhile Mu decides to try and fight Gram again, this time severely wounding him. Him and Su go to Temple again to heal. After recuperating Gram and Su go to the Merfolk lakes to find another Item and meet Sharaes the Water Dragon, leader of the Merfolk. She's very sleepy. She says they can have any Items they find there and on the way to grab it they meet another Item Hunter, Vandri.
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Quests by Larro

TGchan: The Game | Yon Quest | Sevi Quest | InSanity | Quests TCG | Wonder Land | My Life | 32 | Amorphia | Pirate Quest | Mallo Quest | Magical Adventure of Happiness | Doll | The Test | How to be an Overlord | Esper Quest | Balance | Love Quest | Tales of Serda | The Pathfinder | Hero Quest: Shining Star | Hoodie Quest | The World After The End

Shoujen Timeline: Shoujen | Item Quest | Guardian Quest (2)

Collaborations: R.A.M. vs G.A.C. | The TGchan Caravan | Dollmaker Quest

4chan: Magical Academy Quest | Audit Quest