The World Is Mine

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The World Is Mine by Cirr

A quest by Cirr. A lizardy alien tracks down abandoned SCIENCE complex to use as a base for world conquest. Shenanigans occur.

Spoiler.gif This article contains spoilers! You were warned.


Working With Us


Actual Name: Unknown
Species: Areeni (post-baseline)
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown

Sinter arrived at the KerenzeTec facility and managed to infiltrate as far as its core AI room at the very beginning of the quest. She is known to be ambitious, although rash and impulsive, resorting to bad ideas very quickly when under stress. Fortunately, she has someone more capable of considering immediate events more fully in a short timespan, giving her feedback and suggestions.

...Wait, that someone is /quest/? Oh. Well, she's doomed.


Actual Name: Unknown
Species: Saa-kru (robotic)
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown

SARU-601, or Saru as she prefers to call herself, has been maintaining the facility for a while. Originally intending to escort the obvious intruder out of the facility, Saru decided to let Sinter stay due to finding her ambitions something more interesting to work towards. She was once biological, but an ambiguous accident vapourised her entire body. Her consciousness was salvaged and placed within a replacement robotic body, a fact she resents with some intensity.


Actual Name: Unknown
Species: Areeni (amphibious positive)
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown

Very little is known about Vibrant at this point. She apparently has a great proficiency in the crafting of "synthetics", engineered artificial organisms with an intended purpose to be served over their lifetime, and has usually been seen with at least one of her creations nearby. She also appears relatively meek and shy, and appears to be locked in a competition with an unnamed male synthetic crafter.

Working To Their Own Aims


Actual Name: Unknown
Species: Areeni (spacer)
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown

One of two areeni spacers encountered by Sinter. Possesses "augmented skin" and "subcutaneous webbing", as well as six limbs, four eyes, and ears that by all accounts make even less sense than standard areeni eyes. She's eccentric, to say the least, and highly emotional or prone to abrupt changes in mood. Has some interest in Tzet.


Actual Name: Unknown
Species: Areeni (spacer)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown

The other one of two areeni spacers encountered by Sinter. Possesses eyestalks, weird head gill things, tentacle arms and a variety of jutting spikes near the tip of his tail. Seems slightly more responsible than Ei, and cares deeply about her.

Working Against Us

None so far. This is obviously set to change as soon as possible.

The Story So Far

(Going to need to think of how to split this up. I'll come back to this tomorrow.)


(I dunno what to put here right now or how to organise it! Check the discussion thread???)


Official And Potentially Useful


Quests by Cirr


Resonance Universe: Resonance | Through the Chaos | Through the Chaos Once More

Defective Universe: Defective | Strange Lights | Escape Trajectory

Infiltration Universe: Infiltration | The Cage | Weightless

The World Is Mine Universe: The World Is Mine | The Job

Reformation Universe: Reformation | Formation

Other quests: Abyss | Before | Beneath a Red Sky | A Lot of Tiny Quests | Bungee Grapple Adventures | ⠏ℜξ†ξℕ†⌴ȣ⅍ ℕ⅍ᙢξ | Ten Updates | Echo | The Tgchan Uprising | Otherworld | Catalysis | Unfound | Fragments | Make | Harvest Cycle | Human Ever After | Thunder Rising | Routine Mission | Station | atoll | Salikai | Shoerunner | Vessel | Another Island | All Else is Noise | For Posterity | Sojrn | Iconic | Extent | Khashusivni | Times Two | Flockload of Problems | A World Without Names