Sanya Quest

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Sanya Quest is a currently-running quest created by vytalibus. The main character is a "Sergon" named Sanya who is on a search to find her long-lost father. Suggestions are usually passed through an amulet called "Wisdom Stone", to which Sanya is soul-bound to and is thus forced to listen to.

Quest Summary

Part One

After a nightmare-ish dream, Sanya woke up near the gate of a Kobold camp. She was interrupted by a heated argument coming from inside the camp. It was her mentally-ill mother Sanasha languishing a random Kobold with harsh words. Sanya proceeded to smooth things over by giving her mother a hug, but things came to worse as the latter started attacking the two. Sanya immediately retreated with the Kobold and hides inside a mining cave, but after some brief actions, the Kobold started to attack her as well.

Subduing the Kobold, Sanya looked around the perimeter for any strange occurences that may be linked to the previous ones. She was then attacked by a peculiar creature and was forced to use her power "Mind Crush". It worked both sides, killing the creature and inducing a massive headache upon Sanya. The shadows of more figures appeared around Sanya before she fell down, unconscious.

Part Two

Sanya regained her consciousness and noticed that she was in a dungeon, completely restrained. She saw a purple-clad green-skinned humanoid who immediately broke her chains off. The creature introduced himself as a Tonberry named Gezzono and mentioned that he felt the presence of Sanya in danger and came to save her. Gezzono explained that it was the enchantment of "Amazon Kiss" on her nose that started the whole frenzy, and that her presence was felt by some unnamed groups that were after her.

Outside, Gezzono was attacked by the Kobold earlier who mistook the Tonberry for a rapist. Gezzono had no choice but to quickly explain his connection to Sanya: he claimed that he met her father who was seeking to learn under his wing, and took him in for five years before leaving him without a trace. Before doing so, Sanya's father requested that he train her as well, for an unknown "initiation".

Joined by Gezzono and the Kobold, who introduced himself as Murdelp, Sanya went on to the Dorf Fortress. By the gate, they were stopped by a guard who called Gezzono for an unknown meeting. The Tonberry obliged without a fight and left some gold for Sanya and Murdelp to buy weapons and supplies with. They entered the Brewery, where they had a fight with a Dorf whose drink Murdelp caused to spill. The Bartender shooed the Dorf out and offered Sanya some beer; later on, Sanya was too drunk to go on. Murdelp took the rest of the gold to buy some supplies, but returned to see a scene of the Bartender taking advantage of the drunk Sanya. The Kobold managed to stop the Bartender and rescued Sanya.

Part Three

Having a nightmare involving Gezzono, Sanya woke up from her sleep just outside the Fortress. She and Murdelp were forced to stay outside the perimeter while the case involving the Kobold's killing of the Bartender was being officialized. Suddenly, her Wisdom Stone shone brightly, blindingly taking her to the same figure that appeared in her previous dream. He mentioned the coming of King Yelims of the Nocitomes and Gezzono's condition. He asked Sanya to save him for the Tonberry will lead her to "her test" before disappearing.

Sanya woke up to find herself alone and tangled up on a tree. After releasing herself, she went inside the Fortress and entered the Armory. There, she was greeted by an elf who was worried about the capture of a Kobold. His description fitted Murdelp's, and so Sanya looked for the dungeon that would lead her to Murdelp's location.

With the wise use of her items and abilities, Sanya was able to locate Murdelp (at the cost of losing her right eye). Drinking an invisibility potion, she then was able to force a Dorf to accompany them through the dungeon.

However, a trap pulled Sanya away from the Dorf and Murdelp. Her invisibility finally took its toll on her, as the two were oblivious to her state and went on without her. She was last seen being pulled down on a watery pit.

Part Four

Some time later, Murdelp realized that Sanya was missing and was convinced that she was trapped back then due to the Wisdom Stone. However, it convinced him to keep on going, telling him that Sanya could still be alive. After regaining his bow and quiver, he spotted a Dorf talking to two Tonberries. He overheard a conversation about Gezzono and realized that they were looking for him as well.

The Dorf that was talking to the Tonberries saw Murdelp and the Dorf. The two had no choice but to reveal themselves. The Tonberries introduced themselves as Gazzene and Dezzono, and the Dorf as Grandorf. Later, it was revealed that he was the Dorf's brother.

Entering the kitchen, the group saw a giant female Dorf seemingly preparing the unconscious Gezzono for cooking. Gazzene and her group was able to distract her, enabling Murdelp and the Dorf to carry Gezzono away. A fight later ensued and was resolved with a hefty price; a teary Gazzene told Murdelp that his brother died in the process.

Murdelp and Gazzene hugged each other, the latter realizing that she had just suffered what he did earlier.

Main Characters


Main Characters


A "Sergon", which is basically a half-dragon, half-Sergal hybrid. Her mother, Sanasha, is a full-blooded dragon, while her yet-to-be-named father is a full-blooded Sergal. She and her mother have been living beside a camp of Kobolds for an undetermined duration. They enjoy a mutual relationship with the kobolds as they are not posing as a threat and even helps the kobolds out in times of need.

She claims to be proficient at using spears: a weapon that she developed a keen eye for since not many in her area uses them. How efficient she really is with her spear has yet to be assessed, as well as her use of other weapons.

She also has her power spell named "Mind Crush", which can deliver a varying levels of damage to her target's mind. She does not seem to have such a control over it: on one occassion, it caused a creature's head to explode, while on another it only inflicted a minor headache upon Murdelp. It can also act as a double-sided blade, as it can recoil upon Sanya to cause some damage to herself as well.

She possesses a soul-bound amulet named "Wisdom Stone", which is the means of communication for the quest participants.



A Tonberry clad in purple robe and hat. He is known around the Dorfs as "The Elementalist Tonberry", but has not yet demonstrated any use of magic in front of Sanya (he, however, claimed to have restrained a Nocitome using his magic). During his rescue of Sanya, he cut off his left hand during a struggle, leaving him short of a hand. However, he does not seem to mind much about it.

He is the one who explained the frenzy that was happening around Sanya, and also knows much about her abilities and strengths.



A Kobold living in the camp alongside Sanya, Murdelp (originally named Merdelp) is a talkative, active one. He wields a bow and occassionally dips his arrows in a concoction to add some status effects to his target (once he was able to paralyze Gezzono using this technique).

During the fight against the Bartender, a green light shone upon Murdelp's forehead. The cause of this is unknown, and whether this will do anything has yet to be figured out.

Minor Characters

The Dorf

A Dorf that is forced to join Sanya's party. He guides her and Murdelp through the rest of the search in the dungeon.


A female Tonberry. She possesses a crown that contains her Wisdom Stone. She was seen using fire magic. On some accounts, she was the one that caused the GIANT LAZOR, but this has yet to be confirmed yet.


A male Tonberry, and Gazzene's younger brother. He wielded a knife and supposedly was able to kill a lot of Dorfs. He was killed by the female Dorf in the kitchen.


Gazzene's bodyguard. His respectful way of addressing Gazzene could be a sign of his loyalty, though. He is supposedly the Dorf's brother.