Exquisite Bride Obsession

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Exquisite Bride Obsession by Meyichi

An adventure-romance set in the Exalted Universe in which the main character tries to get married. Essentially an Exalted dating simulator with shenanigans. Character bios are up-to-date with current threads and are liable to contain spoilers.

Spoiler.gif This article contains spoilers! You were warned.

Main Characters


Sky's Edge | Mirth

Edge av.png
Mirth av.png

Creature Type: Infernal Exalt

Caste: Fiend

Patron: Ebon Dragon

Skills: Magical disguises, social savvy, being a jerk, looking surly

The shape-shifting, be-scarfed main character. He/she has made the Ebon Dragon very angry through past misdeeds (mis-misdeeds?) and must now perform the Exquisite Bride Obsession before bad things happen - in short, he/she must get married.

Bride Candidates

Graceful Blossom in Full Bloom

Grace av.png

Creature Type: Unknown

Occupation: Travelling musician, Thaumaturge (?), etc.

Location: Out-of-towners' Section

A young woman who seems to have been everywhere despite being very unworldly; she is clumsy and prone to blush at the slightest compliment.

Myria Ashborn

Myria av.png

Creature Type: Unknown

Occupation: Scribe

Location: Undermarket

A Northern beauty with a marred visage. She's a woman of few words and many mysteries.


Crimson av.png

Creature Type: Unknown

Occupation: Sailor, manual laborer

Location: Docks

A genial Easterner with knowledge of Seatongue from his long years upon the ocean.


Dahlia av.png

Creature Type: Essence-user

Occupation: Hawker of cheap baubles

Location: New City

A smooth-talking Southern girl with the power to make anyone obey her commands.


Feng av.png

Creature Type: Unknown

Occupation: Gang member (?)

Location: New City

A youthful-looking man from the Scavenger Lands, assigned to Mirth to "assist" her in her duties.



Amaranth av.png

Creature Type: Infernal Exalt

Caste: Malefactor

Patron: She Who Lives in Her Name

Location: Undermarket

A potential Bride, but more likely to be potential trouble. She is the only other Green Sun Prince that Edge knows of in Chiaroscuro.

Abel Akhar

Abel av.png

Creature Type: Unknown

Occupation: Gang leader

Location: New City

The boss of the gang that wears red. His people control much of the under-market.

Embattled Justice

Justice av.png

Creature Type: Unknown

Occupation: Gambler, former Lookshyan military

Location: New City

A newcomer to the gambling houses that has been winning far too much to be just your average player.


Appearances by the cast Inside the Quest.

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