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Author of Nem's Quest and Pan's Quest and Sami's Quest.

An angry little widower. Known for hating everything.

At one time, he was a happy, devoted husband who liked to give his wife Max little gifts whenever he went out. He built his life around her and all it would take was a cheery "hi" from her to give him peace and strength. She loved him and would scold him for picking fights online and for being an angry little man because she believed he was better than that, even though he really wasn't.

When she passed suddenly she took a large portion of his soul with her. It is every bit as painful as it sounds, and make him lash out even though he should know better than that, dammit.

It is entirely likely that if you speak well of something he will attack it, unless it's on the short list of things he does like that nobody ever seems to acknowledge (possibly because he can be very obnoxious). This is often just to see what you'll do in response -- unless it is something he genuinely seriously hates in which case he's just trying to will it out of existence, but either way just ignore him and he'll shut up.

Likes Risk of Rain, Team Fortress 2, Sam & Max, Adam West as Batman, Bruce Campbell, Robertson Davies, Roald Dahl, and many other things that nobody remembers.

Misses Max every day.


Quests by Smik

TGchan: Nem's Quest | Pan's Quest | Sami's Quest | Spike and Kitty's Terrible Stupid Quest | Sims TGChan Quest! | Tgchan's Blind Date Quest | Razzay's Quest | Spooky Date Quest | A Smikverse Valentine's Day Quest