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Advocate by Fidchell

In the island of Primordia, an insomniac cop living in the luxurious "Upper City" is deployed to the "Middle," the main area of the working class. There he soon learns of his ulterior role...



Aiden Schar

Rank: Sergeant

Service: Primordia Police Force

Aiden is a seemingly average cop just trying to make a living and finishing his term. He is stricken with constant bouts of sleep deprivation that have been going on a couple months before the story begins. When he receives an assignment once again to the Middle City, he experiences problems even worse than he could ever imagine.


Chrisa Massey

Rank: Inspector

Service: Primordia Police Force

Independent and greatly eager to take care of issues speedily, Massey is not one to mess around. She is a seemingly bitter member of the police force who has been deployed to the Middle for at least several years and going. Armed with special gear and a Heated Blade, Massey goes out on her way to clear the Middle of criminal filth and carries little empathy for anyone.


Stan Weathers

Rank: Officer

Service: Primordia Police Force

New to the force, Weathers is eager to learn, but quite a timid young anthro. Coddled by his rich parents and having lived his entire life in the luxury of the Upper City, Weathers first assignment to the Middle is a bit of a culture shock to say the least. He sticks close to Aiden, seeing him as a mentor of sorts, although it's not long before he's inflicted with strange mental troubles.


Mel Schar

Rank: None

Service: Primordia Research

Mel is relatively young, but has a brilliant mind for mechanics and electronics, and has proven himself worthy enough to be a part of the Research Institute of Primordia; however, he has not lasted long because of his dangerous projects, and thus decided to become a freelancer. He provides much of his works to the Police Force so that he can be closer to his best friend, Aiden. He and Aiden had grown up together in the same orphanage and were adopted under the same foster parents.



Primordia is divided into three different sectors, these sectors identified mostly by the class of anthro that live there. A city has been built up around the Middle, slowly climbing upward and becoming more and more packed.

The first sector, known as the "Upper City," lies at the top of Primordia. It is a splendorous display of metallic skyscrapers and abstract structures, standing out greatly from the poorer landscapes below it. It is often said to be a symbol of the island's technological and evolutionary progress and marvels. Is it by the Upper City that Primordia itself is labelled as the "Island that Reached the Heavens." Feranthros are strictly prohibited from inhabiting the Upper City, and the city's crime rate is very low. There are four huge solar panels surrounding the city that act not only as energy absorbers, but also as shields.

The second sector, the "Middle City," is the main center of the working class as well as heinous and brutal crime rates. With a much poorer outlook compared to the Upper City, the Middle is home to anthros and feranthros alike, although feranthros mostly live as slaves. Plentiful open markets line this sector of Primordia, and is where much of the manufacturing and trading commerce travel through. Primorida food stocks are mostly created in this sector and stored in it as well. Although the Upper City also has factories, the Middle is home to many more of these structures for the production of material goods. Police and militia forces are deployed to the Middle very often because of the crime rates, and unfortunately, it only seems to get worse.

The final sector, the "Lower City," is one that most people try not to think about. Not much is known about the Lower City, although countless researchers and archaeologists are itching fiercely to dig into the mysterious culture. The Lower City is inhabited by feranthros, and the worst kind imaginable. Long ago when Primordia was reaching its higher points, the Premier had allowed the feranthros to keep this segment of land, although he could have easily ordered it to be annihilated by the government's already massive military muscle. Since that time, not much was ever heard of the Lower City again, but the activity in the Middle points toward a possible, subtle infiltration attempt.


Appearances by the cast Inside the Quest.

ITQ: [1] [2]


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