Polo Quest Statistics

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Revision as of 17:54, 21 April 2013 by Lagotrope (talk | contribs) (→‎Polo)
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Sniper (5 kg)
10 A.P.
6 H.E.
15 Normal
Generic Pistol (1 kg)
36 shots
2 SMGs (2.5 kg each)
30 Shots each
Frag Grenade (.5 kg)
2 Bazooka rounds (2 kg each)
40% Bioarmor
Plate Armor
Right foot gone
Left upper arm heavily damaged
Visor's left half gone
Moderate Damage all around
Grappling Hook (3 kg)
LED Lantern (1 kg)
Combat Knife
Small Medical Pack
4 feet of bandages
Pomi Anesthesia
Antibacterial Ointment
Alcohol Wipes