Guns for Hire

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Guns for Hire by Bob
Gun for Hire.jpg #golemquest
  1. Gun for Hire Quest
  2. Guns For Hire Quest Thread 2: A Simple Vacation To Finland
  3. Guns For Hire Quest Thread 2 PART II: That's Right We Need To Get Back
  4. Guns For Hire Quest Thread 4: To Make Your Mark
  5. Guns For Hire Quest Thread 5: In the Company of Laine
  6. Guns For Hire Thread 6: The Laine Corporation

Armas Laine served in the US Marines and later as an Army Ranger. During his service he came across obviously supernatural things. He decided to pursue this and relocated to Istanbul, one of the oldest cities on earth, with the intention of working as a mercenary and studying the supernatural. He currently leads a black market company of mercenaries, and has gained magic powers through a series of deals with gods.

Known Supernatural Creatures



Black Dogs three separate breeds-the Gwyligi, the Mauthe Dhoog breeds and the Oschaert

Blink Dogs






Erymanthian Boar

















Soul Shadows










Xing Tian

Known Organizations

Holland & Holland: The famous specialty arms company also does work for clients who want supernatural and magical equipment. They can broker deals between private parties, build original empowered weapons (thanks to a couple of tomes on the subject they have in their corporate vault), and maintain their own house security and information service.

Pfiefer-Zeliska: Along with Holland & Holland, one of the two major arms companies that are fully aware of just how real fairy tales are. They seem to be capable of elaborate custom orders and place buyers of such equipment on a database.

Triad: A branch of the well known Chinese crime organization.

Russian Mob: The Russians who contracted the Russian Job were not affiliated with the KGB, but instead were wealthy (and foolhardy) individuals who wanted to make a point. They are not well established in Istanbul.

Mafia: The famed crime syndicate. One of the Company of Laine's closer business partners.

Neo-Nazis: Third Reich remnants who have coalesced into a Neo-Nazi movement, complete with Nazi super-soldiers (non-magical but very formidable), well-trained gang members, supernatural experiments and and supernatural contacts. The organization seems to be led by Otto Skorzeny with its Istanbul branch led by Endman (a hivemind spread out over multiple human bodies). Circumstantial evidence suggests that they are, in part, supported by larger organizations who reap the benefits of the Neo-Nazis weapon research programs.

Silah Dünyası (Gun World): A chain of mall sized gun stores that Armas frequents. They have dedicated legal staff just for answering customer questions, tens of thousands of weapons, all manner of ammunition, equipment, clothing, and gun maintenance supplies. The local branches recognize Armas as a wealthy and long term customer due to a recommendation he received from Holland & Holland through Arkvad.

Oyak Securities: The local and highly regarded bank that Armas, and most of the Laine Company, does their business through. Oyak provides numbered account services as well as almost all other services a bank should provide.

Emniyet İstihbarat Daire: The Turkish FBI, they employ a number of highly skilled agents like Adelat.

Zosimus Dynasty: An old and powerful vampire clan. Cornelius Zosimus, a Roman-era vampire who has survived to the modern age, bet with Armas over the death of the Doonongaes. The family has a powerful flesh golem.

Muburak Clan: A werewolf clan allied with a witch. Feuds with the Zosimus Dynasty. Led by the Matron Witch Oggmum.

Hapsburg Dynasty: Another vampire clan.

Valkonen House: Winter-aspected martial family; formerly quite influential with three Branch families and many allies, now diminished to just a small family. Based in Finland.

Aksoy Family: Autumn bloodline centered around corrosion and decay; biggest mortal name for melee in Turkey. Feuds with Ghanem. They are based in the town of Ladik.

Ghanem Clan: Arabian, based in Istanbul. Sandstorm specialists, manipulating earth and wind together. Fueds with Aksoy. Einrik and Armas are enemies with a member of this clan (Abdul Ghanem).

Aldokushin House: Russian, Winter combat bloodline; spoken excellently of. Small Branch based in Inebolu, merely competent.

Titancorp: A mercenary company with a strong human-supremacy and mundane-supremacy philosophy, their field agents are known as Reapers. They use high tech weapons, complex soul-keyed time dilation charms, and good tactics. Blackbeard applied to them and was rejected for having a soul that did not meet their standards. Holland & Holland has long coveted their gun technology. Titancorp is most active in regions that do not fall under A.O.R.B.'s purview.

A.O.R.B. (Trans-American Anti-Occult Response Battalion): An international bureau operating in the Americas, A.O.R.B. is a Pan-American organization funded and staffed by New World countries. American war heroes are usually quietly inducted into it posthumously, and serve the interests of keeping the dragons and gods in the Americas in line, as well as monitoring threats around the world and performing policing actions as required. A.O.R.B. is known for having the best in magitech equipment and training, and has been known to use unorthodox recruiting techniques (such as monitoring training simulators sold as consumer-level video games).

Quests by Bob

TGchan: Ant Quest | Dream Quest | Golem Quest | Spacer Quest | Volunteer Quest | Guns for Hire

Not by Bob, but inspired by him: Bob Quest

Guns for Hire Group

Guns for Hire | Armas Laine | Minions | Armory | Dossier Database | Sometimes Merchant | Amen | Timeline | Magical Mechanics | Bloodline Directory‎