
From questden
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Author of Abducted, blatantly has no idea what he is doing, hand draws the quest on paper beacuse his skill at using tablets and ms-paint can be charitbly called "Ham-fisted" and uncharitably called "the flailing of a drunken moron."

utelizes's a drawing style similar to Weaver for most updates, switching to amore deatailed style when he can spare the time, or when the update is a particularly important one.

a big fan of science fiction, Homestuck and transhumanism, he incorporates alot of the associted tropes into his work, mostly by accident but sometimes deliberatley, such as a imagined make out session bieng a direct call out to homestuck style kissing.

used to update at a fairly rapid rate, but has slowed considerably as the quest has become more complex in drawing requirment's.