Talk:Guns for Hire Minions

From questden
Revision as of 04:25, 9 July 2012 by Seventeen (talk | contribs)
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Minion Player Name Player ID
Andrei ManofTroy b83c65
Boris MrTT 3947e9
Dmitrii TMIoverload 2035fc
Gloom Alratan varies
Feodor Seventeen
Grisha Shifter55 8ed09e
Igor - -
Iosef Dkay 81f32a
Ivan Seventeen
Lev - -
Lyubov BUTTZ 252e1b
Matvey Grail c6ce12
Nikifor Kaveldun DoubleU 133c4c
Rostislav Seventeen -
Satai Ironybot 3fd4fb
Titus Guile f8aa66
Vlad Gunpowder Symphony!5/hd9bcGk6 a7b5b4
Zhenya The_Falcon!Z/kS4uKGRU 0bf6b8