Guns for Hire Bloodline Directory

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Descriptions of the various supernatural clans in Guns for Hire.



[Two to three word description which gives a sense of the clan's real focus in life- not merely their powers, but what they do with them] [Bloodline Family, Were Clan, Vampire Dynasty, or some other description of what category of group this is] - [Unless you are Bob, write "Approval Pending" here]

Manipulation: Internal, External, or Internal/External with the balance noted The thing manipulated by the clan's supernatural powers, like fire, borders, shadow, etc.
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and/or Winter, or possibly Neutral
Age: The age of the group, measured in both years since founding and generations if applicable
Origin: God, Wizard, Interbreeding, Chakra-Generated, Soul Crafted, Blood Crafted, Clan Split, or whatever other source led to this group coming to exist
Home: The city or region of their nation which is the clan's center of power
Branches: List secondary cities or regions in which the group has a substantial number of members

  • List any close allies


  • List any feuds

History: Insert absurdly detailed historical description here

  • List in absurd detail any particular clan members of note
  • Stick to members who are currently alive, and preferably not more than a couple sentences each

Insert absurdly detailed description of the group overall here

Clan Profiles

Feel free to add new clans to the below. When a clan has been reviewed and confirmed as existing, Bob will change the "Approval Pending" part of its template to "Approved". If you modify it again afterward, change that back for him to review and rubber-stamp at some later convenience.



Near-Extinct Bloodline Family - Approval Pending

Manipulation: External Water Manipulation
Season: Winter
Age: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
Home: The Valkonen nevernever demense
Branches: None

  • Valkonen Bloodline Family


  • Unknown

History: The Riihivuori clan doubtless has a long and storied history, but these days they're all dead except for two traumatized kids.

  • Hilja, clan head at twelve years old following the deaths of the rest of her family. Empathic link with Eirikki.
  • Eirikki, her younger brother. Empathic link with Hilja and strengthened magic due to sacrificial mutilation that robbed him of the ability to speak.

Whatever awesome tricks the Riihivuori family once knew, which were definitely more than just water manipulation, most of them are probably lost now with all the adult clan members. Still, the kids are quite powerful and no slouches about using their skills creatively.


Decayed Warrior Bloodline Family - Approved

Manipulation: Balanced Internal/External Ice Manipulation
Season: Winter
Age: 5000 years/78 generations
Origin: Chakra-generated supplemented by interbreeding with frost giants
Home: Nevernever demense contiguous with most of Finland
Branches: No magical branches-mundane branch of Valkonens are practitioners of Kas Pin.

  • Riihivuori Bloodline Family


  • Unknown at this time, possibly 'Tugarin'.

History: Insert absurdly detailed historical description here

  • Markku, clan head with massive personal power due to Rule of Three boost.
  • Einrik, clan heir with immense knowledge and skill developed as he seeks to match his more powerful father.
  • Helmi, oldest daughter of Markku and one of the rare non-bloodthirsty Valkonens.
  • Veiko, one of the twins, an altogether untalented but nevertheless cheerful individual.
  • Tuomo, the other one of the twins, a would-be comedian too blunt to make most laugh. Like his twin brother, not exceptionally talented.
  • Hillevi, teenage daughter of Markku and the only child who inherited his tripled power

An internal/external hybrid ice manipulation bloodline using clan, the Valkonens practice their personal style, called Jää Koura Kas Pin. This style allows for the formation of ice much more like pykrete than conventional ice-this lets them use their ice as substitute for many high-stress materials that ice normally would not be able to match. They have a fondness for melee combat, and can both freeze objects on touch and generate ice near their body. Ice armor and weapons are common tactics of theirs.






Near-Extinct Imperial Bloodline Family - Approval Pending

Manipulation: Internal Soul
Season: Winter
Age: Unknown; their line can be traced back to the 13th century
Origin: Unknown
Home: None
Branches: None

  • None


  • None

History: One of several dozen ancient Russian noble houses. Ruled Russia from 1613-1917. By 1918 supposedly every last one of them had been executed.

  • Gleb Romanov, still alive and kicking as a powerful Einher

They can come back to life after their bodies are killed or minds are destroyed, so long as their souls are intact and they still have Winter power remaining. Generally this functions a certain number of times per day, with the definition of "day" being specific to each scion.







Mercenary Start-up Laine and associates - Approval Pending]

Manipulation: Internal, External, or Internal/External with the balance noted Soul, Flesh (with individual examples of Shadow/Ice, Wind/Luck, and Blood/Soul/Shadow)
Season: Winter/Summer
Age: One Month
Origin: God/Divine
Home: Istanbul
Branches: N/A

  • Valkonen Bloodline Family
  • Riihivuori Bloodline Family
  • Duke (Li Kui a.k.a. Iron Ox a.k.a. Black Whirlwind)


  • Galileo Savoy
  • Neo-Nazis
  • The Russian Black Operations Army (commanded by Major General Vladimir Chugainov)
  • The Emniyet Istihbarat Daire (Turkish federal investigations unit)

History: See the Timeline

  • Armas Laine, clan head. Dual-bloodline godling, possessing Winter and Summer nodes. Effectively immortal, barring extreme circumstances. Chronologically 27, but thanks to time dilation effects from extensive sessions in NeverNever bubbles actually in his 80s. Has the attitude of a child, and enjoys playing elaborate pranks.
  • "Shadowbro," soul-shadow to Armas, soul brother to Sake and Armas. Possesses a Winter and Summer node, and notably enjoys the benefits of having chakra gates (due to the magic involved in originally building him being chakra based).
  • Sake, Kamaitachi triplet soul possessing a Ramideju body. Soul brother to Armas Laine and "Shadowbro." Enjoys wind and luck manipulation powers.
  • Amen, bound bloodfiend, currently calls Armas his master. A grandmaster-class bloodmage, with cross-specialties in Shadow, Flesh, and Soul manipulation. Bound to remain on the mansion property, but enormously powerful and actively malicious nevertheless. Hobbies: gardening, tailoring, plotting Armas' death
  • Camella Larosa (a.k.a. Camella Nardi), a slider from a magicless world and physical one-in-a-generation prodigy, Camella was taken in by Armas and nursed back to health after a nearly fatal escape from the Bones of the Earth. Currently second in command of the clan. No magic, minor chakra skills. Possesses a self-developed soul quirk granting her 108 spirit eyes. Determinator-type personality.
  • Hillevi Valkonen, currently Armas' ward for the year. A powerful ice manipulator who enjoys a deep well of personal magic energy, she is also in many ways a normal seventeen year old girl.
  • Assorted Russian minions hired after a failed attack against Armas (which they engaged in against their will, due to Chugainov's blood mage).

A mercenary company comprised of 24 to 28 individuals, with five prominent members. Mundane clan assets estimated to be in the $25,000,000 range in mundane property, material, and liquid assets. Blood assets in the $10,000,000,000 range, additional magical assets of unknown value.


Intriguer Vampire Dynasty - Approval Pending

Manipulation: External Shadow Manipulation
Season: Spring
Age: Unknown; at least two thousand years
Origin: Unknown
Home: Istanbul
Branches: Unknown

  • Unknown


  • Muburak Clan

History: Insert absurdly detailed historical description here

  • Corneluis Zosimus, clan Sire and an ancient vampire of staggering power and skill; a grandmaster of Shadow manipulation

Insert absurdly detailed description of the group overall here

Guns for Hire Group

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