Guns for Hire Amen

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Amen is an NPC in Guns for Hire, with whom Armas has had a great deal of interaction which it is important to track. Our interactions with him are listed here.

Post Link: 313010

In-Game Date: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

Transcript: There is a stairwell leading both down to the first floor and above to Smets' display area-on the far side of a waifishly thin, ambiguously androgynous, ashen skinned, gold eyed humanoid, blood-red hair the only lively thing about an otherwise deathly visage. This would-be corpse, dressed as a butler, holds forth a silver platter on one white-gloved hand, a bevvy of wine glasses, each filled with a red far to opaque to be wine-and its eyes are locked on me.

Could be it intended to speak.

Fifteen burning wooden bullets scream out of my gun, pouring forth before I even skid to a halt. They shred and rip their way through the butler, carving out gray flesh and burning its cashmere attire in a massive sustained explosion of gore-

>[Smets' Butler]"Would you mind overmuch stopping that?"

....The butler does not sound worried-or even distressed, that its body is at least a third literally blown away. He continues to speak as bullets fly.

>[Smets' Butler]"You know, I am now required to be of service to you-I would appreciate it if you-" The AA-12 runs dry-damn I got to distracted by its nonchalant attitude. It's still holding the tray of wine glasses! >[Smets' Butler]"Thank you. Now there is something that need must be resolved-I am required to be of service to the whomsoever holds the blood of Sisuthros-that which was held in Smets' veins-and now in your possession. This necessitates me serving you-but there is a conflicting order. The butler raises an arm that is visibly completely unharmed, pointing at the stairwell behind him. >[Smets' Butler]"For as it happens, I was left with orders by Smets to follow a [i]different gentleman's orders.... my, how can this be resolved.[/i]" ...So. Someone ELSE is here-someone that Smets was dealing with-and they're on the third floor with the guns. As I finally tear the discharged amulet from my neck, careful to leave its still functioning twin in place, an empty AA-12 in hand, I wonder....

Post Link 313308

In-Game Date: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

Transcript: "So who is the other guy, then?"

The pale-faced butler smiles, as he (she?) opens her mouth once more.
>[Smets' Butler]"Confidentiality is beyond being a prerequisite for my kind-it is a necessity, a force of nature we cannot resist."
So no names for me then... okay...
"Would you be amenable to bringing the deceased Smets' firearms to a place of my designation?"
>[Smets' Butler]"I'm afraid my last master was most demanding-and had me bound to this houses' property. I cannot leave the premises."
"Were you ordered to only follow his orders?"
>[Smets' Butler]"By 'him', you reference the other potential master, is that correct?"
>[Smets' Butler]"That is correct."
"Then I order you not to follow the other gentleman's orders-in fact, I order you to not listen to anything the other individual says."
>[Smets' Butler]"A request that can be met."
The butler's smirk tells me I missed something-yet with the clock ticking, I don't really have time to investigate.
"Well, since I'm going in there anyway... I suppose I could discuss things with the gentleman."
I grab one of the two flutes of blood and down it-the coppery taste coating the back of my throat as the viscous liquid takes up residence in my gut.
"Oh-next time I see you, I fully expect you in an orange suit."
That damnable smirk finally ghosts off the butler's face for the briefest of instants.
>[Smets' Butler]"...Orange?"
"Positively NEON, no less."
The butler bows to me.
>[Smets' Butler]"As requested."
"Oh, and tell Smet's ghouls, servants, whatever to stop attacking the people on the nearby church's roof."
>[Smets' Butler]"Between the interdiction affecting cellular devices and my restriction to the house grounds-I cannot meet your request."
...Damn, can't order it outside of it's comfort zone, either.

I march past the butler, still feeling not a whit of attention on my person-belatedly realizing that as of yet I still have not felt the butler's attention on me-despite the butler having stared at me throughout this whole conversation.

I turn back to the butler as I move to ascend the stairs.
"Oh-sorry about shooting you there."
>[Smets' Butler]"Understandable, given you are hear to take Smets' possessions by right of force. No insult was percieved."