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Rules and Character statistics for [[Unnatural Selection]]
=Ability/Statistic Lines=
==Tier 1==
Max Rank 20 - Each rank increases HP by 1. A character starts without a body rank, and appears as a nondescript blob with a face and 0 HP. On getting rank 1, they are able to form a body. It is purely aesthetic, and has virtually no impact on platform stages; although freeroam and safezones take their form into account, to an extent.
Max Rank 20 - Each rank increases armor by 1. Rank 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 allows the choosing of a different set of armor. This blocks damage by a flat amount, and takes that amount in damage. If a turn passes without the user taking damage, then the armor regenerates slightly, increasing by consecutive rounds without taking damage. This amount follows the fibonacci series in order starting with the second number, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and so on. If the user gets hit during this sequence, the armor does not regenerate that turn, and the series starts over. Armor is entirely aesthetic, and a revealing bikini will be just as strong as full plate or power armor at the same armor rank.
Max Rank 20 - Each rank increases weapon damage by 1. Rank 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 allows the choosing of a different type of weapon. Like armor/body, these are all aesthetic in stages, although can be used as tools in freeroam and safe zones between the stages.
Max Rank 10 - When a contender dies, their essence scatters in the air and lingers for a moment. Absorption is the ability to absorb a fellow contender's C.U. Each level will return 10% of the C.U. that the absorbee has spent on ability stats. To absorb, they must either be in range, and the range is equal to the Absorption Rank. When 2 contenders try to absorb the same person, the one with higher priority wins. Each rank gives 1 priority, and each priority boon gets another priority. Tier 3 players, assuming they have 10 in absorb, will have equal priority.
When ties of priority occur, a deadlock will occur in which the dead individual will hover in space while 2 or more different people attempt to absorb him. While the absorbers focus, they will not be able to perform any actions or move, and must keep attempting to absorb. When everyone bails out except one, that one will win the absorb. If the last 2 people bail at the same round phase, then the unit in question will be lost, and no one will absorb.
CU gained by absorbing a tier 3 character is capped at one-half of the absorbed character's own maximum CU level.
===Deprecated Tier 1 Ability lines===
Scan - Max Rank 10 - The ability to scan statistics of other players.
Heal - Max Rank 5 - This allows the caster to heal a number of HP equivalent to the rank. This replaces an attack.
Range - Max Rank 5 - A player can attack from their Range Rank tiles away, regardless of weapon appearance.
Knockback - Max Rank 3 - On hit, the person struck will be thrown away from the attacker by a platform number equal to the rank. Since attacks are simultaneous (first strike notwithstanding), 2 people with knockback hitting each other will both knock each other away. They will not be thrown off of platforms.
Disarm - Max Rank 3 - A form of attack. Instead of dealing damage, the user disarms the target (applied on that turn), for 1 turn, forcing use of unarmed. Unarmed damage is equal to 1/3 of the weapon's rank. As a 1 on 1 with someone using disarm would be the target whittling away with 1/3 damage on the user, this is a support ability.
Protector - Max Rank 6 - The ability to take damage for others. The user is able to move, then prior to attacks, chooses a target. Any damage dealt to the target is redirected to the user, but any additions to the attack (such as knockback) still affect the target.
Banditry - Max Rank 10 - Steals 10% per rank amount of currently held CU. This can only be done on stages, and the bandit must be on the same tile as the victim.
Double Jump - Single rank - Able to jump twice, although this does not double ones speed. It grants the ability to jump on a platform that has disappeared, though still exists - instead of dying, the owner of this will be able to jump to safety, provided that the second jump doesn't also lead to a missing platform.
Speech/Understand/Read - Single Rank Each - Each of these grant the ability to understand speech, speak speech (even if the user cannot understand speech), and read.
==Tier 2==
===Fortify Body===
Max Rank 20 - Each rank gives +20 HP.
===Fortify Armor===
Max Rank 20 - Each rank gives +20 armor.
===Fortify Weapon===
Max Rank 20 - Each rank gives +20 weapon damage.
===Deprecated Tier 2 Ability Lines===
First Strike - Max Rank 5 - Gives +1 attack priority. If the person struck is slain and has not attacked yet, they will not be able to strike back. However, all abilities that are invoked by attack (such as knockback) apply only after all attacks have been made, therefore they will not be knocked backwards before they can strike back.
Scatter Damage - Able to split damage evenly across multiple targets. Each rank allows a +1 damage split. Damage is rounded down. All targets must be on the same platform that is attacked, although it can be used with range.
Shapeshift - Able to switch forms. This is an illusion, and touching the shapeshifter will reveal the users true form. It can be held for 10 rounds or 30 minutes in a safe zone.
    Rank 1: May hold up to 1 minor change at a time.
    Rank 2: May hold up to 2 minor changes at a time.
    Rank 3: May hold up to 2 minor changes at a time, and one major body change.
    Rank 4: Duration is increased to 15 rounds, or 45 minutes.
    Rank 5: Duration is increased to 20 rounds, or 60 minutes.
Teleportation - Allows teleportation to a new tile, with a cooldown of 6 rounds. This is still dependant on light trails, however, and can be treated as a burst of extra movement. This can be used as a movement action OR an attack action.
    Rank 1: Teleport range 1
    Rank 2: Cooldown reduced to 5.
    Rank 3: Teleport range 2
    Rank 4: Cooldown reduced to 4.
    Rank 5: Teleport range 3
Swap Position - Max Rank 5 - During the move phase, but before any movement has been made, the user may swap a position with a willing target. The range of this is equal to the rank.
Fortified Heal - Instead of attacking, the user may heal. This does not stack with the heal amounts from tier one Heal ability, but the boons still carry over.
    Rank 1: Heals 10 HP.
    Rank 2: Heals 20 HP.
    Rank 3: Heals 30 HP.
    Rank 4: Heals 40 HP.
    Rank 5: Heals 50 HP.
==Tier 3==
Gains immunity against lower tier Abilities and Boons
    Rank 1 - Immune to all Tier 1 and 2 abilities and boons, except for absorption and basic stats (body, armor, weapon).
    Rank 2 - Selective immunity. The user may opt to be affected by positive T1/2 abilities, such as heal/swap position.
===Damage reduction===
Reduces damage after all attacks have been made.
    Rank 1 - 25% less damage
    Rank 2 - 50% less damage
    Rank 3 - 75% less damage
===Increased damage===
    Rank 1 - 25% more damage
    Rank 2 - 50% more damage
    Rank 3 - 75% more damage
    Rank 4 - 100% more damage
===Item Cancellation===
Provides a 3-range item cancellation barrier, preventing anyone in the barrier from using items and anyone outside the barrier using items on anyone inside the barrier. This does not apply to glove scissors.
    Rank 1 - Blocks up to 2 Tier-1 items per round.
    Rank 2 - Complete immunity to tier 1 items, blocks 2 tier 2 items per round.
    Rank 3 - Complete immunity to tier 1 and 2 items, blocks 1 Tier 3 item per round
===T. 3 Range===
    Rank 1 - Range 1
    Rank 2 - Range 2
===Create Light Trail===
Creates one light trail to a platform that has a gap of no more than 1.5 platform lengths. This is done as a replacement to movement, and although it is done during the movement phase, the effect only takes place after everyone else has moved, but before attacks are made.
    Rank 1 - Lasts for 1 turn
    Rank 2 - Lasts for 2 turns
    Rank 3 - Lasts for 3 turns, range increases to 2.5
===Block Light Trail===
Blocks a light trail. This takes effect after everyone has moved, but before attacks are made. The user must be next to the targeted light trail. This replaces a movement.
    Rank 1 - Lasts for 1 turn
    Rank 2 - Lasts for 2 turns
    Rank 3 - Lasts for 3 turns, +1 range
===Create Platform===
Creates one platform in the air that creates a gap of no more than 1.5 platforms between the user and the new platform. This happens at the same time as movement, therefore a player may jump safely across a light trail that leads to the spot where the created platform ends up. The platform disappears <rank> turns later, after the movement phase. This action replaces a movement.
    Rank 1 - Lasts for 1 turn
    Rank 2 - Lasts for 2 turns
    Rank 3 - Lasts for 3 turns, range increases to 2.5
===Remove Platform===
Removes any platform within a range of 1. This is done during the movement phase, but after everyone has made normal movements. The platform, however, will not be removed until the next turn, after everyone has had a chance to move again. This is to prevent instantly killing other tier 3's that would not have double jump. This actionreplaces a movement.
    Rank 1 - Lasts for 1 turn
    Rank 2 - Lasts for 2 turns
    Rank 3 - Lasts for 3 turns, increased range to 2.
===T. 3 Protector===
Functionally the same as Tier 1 protector.
    Rank 1 - Able to target 1 person at up to 1 range, or everyone but himself on his/her current platform.
    Rank 2 - Able to target 2 people at up to 2 range, or everyone but himself on a platform up to 1 range away.
===T. 3 Knockback===
    Rank 1 - Knocks its target one platform away from the attacker. If the attacker is on the same tile, the direction may be chosen.
===T. 3 Scan===
    Rank 1 - Able to see all Body/Armor/Weapon numbers, and owned abilities with at least 1 rank.
    Rank 2 - Able to see all stats and boons.
===T. 3 Heal===
Able to heal users on the same platform. This replaces the user's attack.
    Rank 1 - 20 HP
    Rank 2 - 40 HP
    Rank 3 - 60 HP
    Rank 4 - 80 HP
    Rank 5 - 100 HP
===T.3 Body===
Each rank in this gives +20 HP. Max rank of 20.
===T.3 Armor===
Each rank in this gives +20 Armor. Max rank of 20.
===T3. Weapon===
Each Rank in this gives +20 Weapon Damage. Max Rank of 20.
===Summon Allies===
Replaces an attack with known friendly units. Let's all friendlies answer the call optionally. The range is traversable through disabled/inactive light trails.
    Rank 1: Cooldown of 13 rounds. All friends within 5 walking platforms are alerted.
    Rank 2: Cooldown of 10 rounds. All friends within 10 walking platforms are alerted.
    Rank 3: Cooldown of 7 rounds. All friends within 15 walking platforms are alerted.
Ranged attacks will bounce, able to deal extra attacks at 50% damage on its way to the primary target (which will still receive normal damage). It cannot attack twice on the same platform. Although range is not required, this ability at rank 1 is useless without range 1, and useless at rank 2 without Range rank 2.
    Rank 1: Bounces up to 1 time.
    Rank 2: Bounces up to 2 times.
===Item Thief===
Allows stealing items. This has a range of 0, so the thief must share a platform with his target, or be next to the target in a tile stage.
    Rank 1: A random inventory slot (including any empty slots) is selected, and if there is an item in that slot, it will be taken.
    Rank 2: A random item will be taken.
    Rank 3: The bandit may select which item will be stolen.
=Tier Upgrading=
Tier 2 can be gained by purchasing Access from the shop, granting more abilities and boons.
Tier 3 can be gained after getting the Delimiter (to get past the initial 100k CU stat limit), then purchasing Tier 3 Access. All Tier 1 and 2 abilities will be lost on going to Tier 3, with the exception of all weapon/armor/body and absorption stat lines. Most absorption abilities are lost, but Resurrection, Ability Absorb, Ghost Talk and Retroactive are kept. All other boons and abilities are lost, although some have tier 3 versions. All priorities are maximized - a tier 2 with full priority boons on an ability will have the same priority as a normal Tier 3.
Stats from previous tiers do not add up to the Character CU levels.
This list is incomplete. Most known boons are in the flash shops in-quest, and this section is to cover additional boons that the shop has not updated to.
Able to lift consenting allies. This may be done as a free action during the movement round. Lifted allies will go wherever the user goes, and is immune to normal knockback. If the user is knocked back, every lifted person will also move with the user. Also, in connected tile stages, this allowed multiple people to occupy the same tile. Lifted allies may still attack.
    Lift I: Can lift 1 person
    Lift II: Can lift 2 persons (Occupies 2 boon slots)
==Double Move==
Able to replace attack with another movement
    Double Move I - cooldown of 2 rounds
    Double Move II - cooldown of 1 round (useable every round)
=Character Statistics=
If a Tier 3 character has Increase Damage, their effective weapon damage will be to the side in parenthesis.
'''Character CU: 19,800,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 720 (1440)
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity Rank 2
::Damage Reduction 2
::Increase Damage Rank 4
::Bounce 1
::T3 Range 2
::T3 Weapon Rank 15
::Ghost Talk
::Absorb: Retroactive
::Double Offense
''Other Key Traits''
::Delimiter x2
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
5 million CU
==Duelist / Mako==
'''Character CU: 20,000,000'''
::HP: 800
::Armor: 800
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::Immunity 2
::Damage Reduction 3
::T3 Protector 2
::T3 Body 19
::T3 Armor 19
::Absorb: Ability Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Delimiter x2
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
'''Character CU: 20,000,000'''
::HP: 700
::Armor: 660
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Damage Reduction 3
::T3 Protector 2
::T3 Body 19
::T3 Armor 19
::Absorb: Ghost Talk
''Other Key Traits''
::Delimiter x2
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
::Red Glove x3
'''Character CU: 9,550,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 1
::Damage Reduction 1
::Item Cancellation 3
::T3 Range 1
::T3 Scan 2
::Selective Item Cancellation
::Absorb: Boon Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
'''Character CU: 20,000,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 420 (630)
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Increase Damage 2
::Block Light Trail 3
::Create Light Trail 3
::Remove Platform 3
::Create Platform 3
::T3 Range 2
::T3 Knockback 1
::Bounce 1
::Double Move II
::Absorb: Boon Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Delimiter x2
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
'''Character CU: 9,800,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Block Light Trail 3
::Create Light Trail 3
::Remove Platform 3
::Create Platform 3
::Double Move II
::Absorb: Boon Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
::Red Glove
::500,000 CU
'''Character CU: 9,900,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Damage Reduction 1
::T3 Range 1
::T3 Heal 5
::Heal Range
::Absorb: Ability Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
::Red Glove x2
'''Character CU: 9,700,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 420 (820)
::Absorb 10
::Immunity 1
::Increase Damage 4
::T3 Range 2
::Double Offense
::Absorb: Ability Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
'''Character CU: 10,000,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 420 (660)
::Absorb 10
::Immunity 1
::Damage Reduction 3
::Increase Damage 2
::T3 Range 1
::Double Move II
::Absorb: Boon Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
::Glove Scissors
::Red Glove
'''Character CU: 10,000,000'''
::HP: 440
::Armor: 440
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Damage Reduction 3
::Summon Ally 2
::Protector 1
::T3 Body 1
::T3 Armor 1
::Double Move II
::Absorb: Ability Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
::Red Glove
'''Character CU: 10,000,000'''
::HP: 440
::Armor: 440
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Damage Reduction 3
::Summon Ally 2
::Protector 1
::T3 Body 1
::T3 Armor 1
::Double Move II
::Absorb: Boon Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
::Red Glove
'''Character CU: 9,950,000'''
::HP: 480
::Armor: 440
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Damage Reduction 3
::Item Thief 3
::T3 Body 3
::T3 Armor 2
::Double Move II
::Absorb: Boon Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Current Items'''
==Gambler Twirl, Sword, Shield, Charles, Spear, Chief, Math, Engineer, Friendgy==
'''Character CU: 295,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::Scan 10
::Heal 5
::Range 5
::Knockback 3
::Disarm 3
::Protector 6
::Banditry 10
::Double Jump
::All Communications
::First Strike 5
::Scatter Damage 5
::Teleportation 5
::Swap Position 5
::Fortified Heal 5
::Heal: Range II, Movement, Mini, Double, Overcharge
::Absorb: Retroactive, Double
::Inventory Space V
::First Strike Priority V
::Scatter Damage: Leftovers
::Double Attack
'''Current Items'''
::Twirl: Red Glove
::Sword: Red Glove
::Shield: Red Glove
::Charles: Red Glove
::Spear: Red Glove
'''Character CU'''
::HP: 260
::Armor: 200
::Weapon: 180
::Absorb 10
::Scan 10
::Heal 5
::Range 5
::Knockback 3
::Disarm 3
::Banditry 10
::Double Jump
::All Communications
::Shapeshift 5
::Teleportation 3
::Swap Position 2
::Fortified Heal 2
::Scan: All Scan, Spent CU, Unspent CU, Ability Levels, Absorption Number, Boons
::Absorb: Retroactive, Double
::Inventory Space V
==The Arbiter==
'''Character CU: 19,975,000'''
::HP: 780
::Armor: 760
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::Immunity 2
::Damage Reduction 3
::T.3 Range 1
::T.3 Protector 2
::T.3 Body 18
::T.3 Armor 16
::Absorb: Ghost Talk
''Other Key Traits''
::Delimiter x2
::Tier 3 access
'''Character CU: 10,000,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 420 (660)
::Absorb 10
::Immunity 1
::Damage Reduction 3
::Increase Damage 2
::T3 Range 1
::Double Move I
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
==Backup Tier 3 Builds/Classes==
===Fighter (Offense)===
'''Character CU: 9,925,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 620(1240)
::Immunity 2
::Increase Damage 4
::T3 Range 1
::T3 Weapon 10
::Double Offense
::Absorb: Ghost Talk
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Character CU: 9,900,000'''
::HP: 520
::Armor: 520
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Damage Reduction 3
::T3 Protector 2
::T3 Body 5
::T3 Armor 5
::Absorb: Ghost Talk
''Other Key Traits''
::Delimiter x1
::Double Move I
'''Character CU: 9,850,000'''
::HP: 460
::Armor: 460
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Damage Reduction 2
::T3 Heal Rank 5
::T3 Body 6
::T3 Armor 6
::Heal Range
::Absorb: Ghost Talk
''Other Key Traits''
::Delimiter x1
::Tier 3 access
'''Character CU: 10,000,000'''
::HP: 480
::Armor: 480
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Damage Reduction 2
::Item Cancellation 3
::T3 Scan 2
::T3 Body 3
::T3 Body 3
::Selective Item Cancellation
::Absorb: Boon Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Character CU: 9,800,000'''
::HP: 420
::Armor: 420
::Weapon: 420
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Block Light Trail 3
::Create Light Trail 3
::Remove Platform 3
::Create Platform 3
::Double Move II
::Absorb: Boon Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
'''Character CU: 9,975,000'''
::HP: 480
::Armor: 500
::Weapon: 520 (780)
::Absorb 10
::All Communications
::Immunity 2
::Increase Damage 2
::T3 Body 3
::T3 Armor 4
::T3 Weapon 5
::Summon Ally 3
::Ghost Talk
::Absorb: Boon Absorb
''Other Key Traits''
::Tier 3 access
==Alison's House/Dream Statistics==
Alison has approximately 14200 total players backed up.  The bulk are through King's recursion, many from Arbiter's recursion, and only around 1300 from herself. Around 9200 of those are currently dead.
Of those, Alison has a current count of 1853 people who are currently alive. King, allied with Alison, has 3,120 members, bringing their forces to a grand total of 4,973 members.
There is a total of 257,312,301 CU prior to the abusing the smuggler boon reselling exploit, leading to far more CU than mathematician can keep track of for the moment.
On top of the listed tier 3 characters, Alison's House also has 30 Tier 3's as backups. They are arranged in builds, split evenly across three teams.
::6 Fighters (Offense)
::6 Tanks
::3 Healers
::6 Platformers
::3 Scanners
::6 Summoners

Revision as of 21:43, 6 April 2014



Items can be traded at a range of 1 platform (or 2 tiles on connected-tile stages) as a free action whenever desired, but a character can only give 1 item away per round.

Attacking items (red duel gloves, bombs, etc) must be done as an attack action.

Platform and Attack Mechanics

Each turn is comprised of three phases. In the first phase, everyone decides where to move before any attacking will be done.

In the second phase, after everyone has landed, they are free to attack. If someone holds their position, and another person jumps on their platform, they will be able to tell at this point whether or not the enemy is attacking, and can decide freely to attack or not. For all other cases, such as two people jumping on a new tile, they will not be able to tell if the other is attacking. Also, it should note, that if two people are on 2 tiles next to each other, and try to attack each other by leaping onto each other's tiles, they will not be able to attack each other. Instead, they will simply flip positions, unable to perform any midair attacks.

Once all of the attacks are decided, then all attacks will be performed simultaneously. With sufficient attack, they may kill one another. If not, then they may leap again next round before any new attacks come.

The third phase allows for any available non-attack abilities or spoken words if available, even if they received a fatal attack.

There are an unlimited number of people that can occupy a single tile.

These are the normal rules, but items may supersede any of the above, and some abilities happen in sub-phases - for instance, Remove Platform happens during the move phase, but after everyone has made actual movement

Connected Tile Platforms

Some stages are set to have all tiles connected, rather than a platform and light trail combination.

For these, all range capabilities are effectively set to be +1, such as protection and attack range. The exception being area of effect items or abilities, in which the effected region will still be as written.